Scientific evidence humans always benefited through cultivation of Hemp through unknown sources, the brains cannibinoid receptors.

Marijuana Unlocks New Realms in Neuroscience, Nature Magazine, January 1993.

"Compared to the 90's drug world, the pot smoking rebellious youth of the sixties, seems almost quaint. The sixties are over and yet marijuana remains on the scene as an enigma to the scientific community. It has presented the world's research laboratories with perplexing new data that opens new areas for research and discovery in the neuroscience's. The reason for all this is marijuana's intriguing; nature of operation with the human body and brain. Scientists have discovered that Marijuana acts as a key that trips a lock, the lock being a specific receptor or receptors in the brain. Scientists do not know how long it took for these receptors to evolve in such a way as to match up with the element in marijuana. Speculation would suggest that this is the receptors normal role and that marijuana has been around for a long, long time. The marijuana receptor was discovered by William DeVane and Ralph Mechoulam of the Hebrew University of Mental Health. DeVane was a member of a team that cloned the brain's receptor for THC in 1990. In order to further research, scientists needed two tools. The gene for the marijuana receptor and the chemical that binds and activates the receptor, known as the endogenous ligand. The endogenous ligands for the human brains opioid receptors are a family of peptides known as enkephalins and endorphins.

Above: Cannabinoid receptors as found in the human brain.

These peptides have been known of for 15 years, but the gene for the opioid receptor remained elusive for much longer. The gene for the marijuana or cannibinoid receptor was discovered and cloned two years ago. The endogenous ligand for marijuana was discovered this week of December 11, 1992. This discovery will have a tremendous effect on the U.S. governments 68 year old misinformation campaign carried out with zeal against the "evil weed" or marijuana. This will of course mean that scientists are on their way to learning about entirely new realms of the neurochemical system.

"The endogenous ligand for the marijuana receptor is fat soluble and is a simple molecule derived from arachidonic acid, a fatty acid common in cell membranes. William DeVane has given this new find the name, Anandamide: an Egyptian Sanskrit word which means, internal bliss. Chris Felder and Eileen Briley of NIMH, "have found that anandamide binds the cells that express the cloned cannibinoid receptor and inhibits cyclic AMP production in those cells, but has no effect on identical cells lacking the receptor. Figuring out what anandamide making neurons do in the central nervous system, will be the next step in research. Previously there was no way of finding the neurons that make the molecule that triggers the cannibinoid receptors.

"The pharmaceutical industry is hoping to create new drugs that mimic the excellent therapeutic effects of naturally grown marijuana (painkilling, antihypertensive, and antinausea actions and the ability to lower eye pressure in glaucoma) without causing the high. Laurence Melvin of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals in Groton, Connecticut, "believes that the therapeutic effects and the high may be inseparable", therefore the drug might just as well be taken in its natural state. Of course patients will have to learn how to deal with the natural high. "At least until they learn to separate the pharmacological effects by isolating new receptors." It must be noted that new receptors might not exist and further research funds would not be allocated, due to the futile research efforts carried out by pharmaceutical companies in the past. If Pfizer is right, then all the extra research for cannibinoid receptors is a waste of time. Obviously the scientist are not taking no for an answer. They insist that they can play God, much better than the old man himself. What they are not realizing is that this cannibinoid receptor gene has evolved through millions of years of evolution and personal use by ancient mankind. It's quite obvious that marijuana was a naturally medicinal plant to the cultures of the world and was reserved for just this purpose.

"It is quite obvious from this wonderful news that scientists as well as marijuana activists, prisoners, glaucoma and cancer patients will all have good reason to celebrate these new discoveries. Now is the time for people to be optimistic and in a state of pleasure that can only be described as, well, high."

Firm link between "cannabinoids," and the body's normal regulation of body weight.