August 5, 1992

Senator Al Gore
Clinton-Gore Campaign Headquarters
P. O. Box 615
Little Rock, Arkansa,s 72203

Dear Senator Gore:

My original motivation for writing you, has to do with an article that was on the front page of my city;’s newspaper during the United Nations Environmental Conference, In Brazil. I was very impressed with the courage you, and fellow Democratic Senators, Graham, Kerrey, and Symms, exhibited exposing the tactics of the U.S. diplomats.

Shortly after the article regarding your environmental dedication appeared, I found that you were Governor Clinton, vice presidential choice. You write a book and sell thousands of copies. I write thousands of personal letters. I am glad I changed my party preference to Democratic this year. So I say congratulations, and I do hope that you and Governor Clinton will win this year.

In response to my last correspondence to Governor Clinton, he asked that I get involved in his campaign. As a business woman, politically active, I know that usually, most legislators, and legislation’s, win or lose, due to adequate financing on the side of the winner.

I live in the inner city of Wichita, Kansas. There are 60,000 automobiles that travel down the street in front of my home every morning. I am very lucky to live in a part of town where the trees are bounteous, and 100- years old. To provide refuge for the birds and squirrels, last year, shovel at a time, I build a river, with the help of a few friends. I have enclosed a picture so you will understand when I say that I am connected with nature in a very special way. I am a parent of two daughters, four fixed cats, seventeen fish, one bull-frog that found me, and thirty or so toads I caught and brought in. I feed fifty pounds of bird food a month.

I have been into recycling for years, and personally dispose of only about a pound of trash a week. I believe all things are possible, and one is either part of the problem or part of the solution.

I am enclosing copies of correspondences I use to make people aware of the high price of Hemp prohibition. I hope you will research this material, if President to be, Bill Clinton has not already shared my ideas with you.

I am a 100% person, and I do not get casually behind a movement. When I begin to draw to myself the people, places, and circumstances of life, which harmonize with my dominating thoughts, I often even amaze myself with what I can do. Back to money. I could send what I can afford, about $100.00, or I can draw on my resources and put on a party that will go down in history. About six weeks ago, I contacted Randy Rathsburn, Governor Clinton’s Kansas Campaign Manager, and shared my idea on a huge concert to earn money for Clinton’s campaign. His comment, whither he took em serious or not, was, “I have learned when some one thinks they can put together something like this, what you do is get out of the way.”

For six weeks, I have been sitting between having enough land to hold the party, and not having the land. I have already put out the word throughout my organization. Elton John was the first musician to volunteer his efforts toward our cause. My goal for our organization is to donate $1,000,000. To the Clinton-Gore campaign.

There is one catch, this money will be coming from all the Hempsters from across the United States. Each and everyone of the people attending believe that Hemp Prohibition must end. In fact, our concert will be called Hempstalk. Presently, I am almost sure that we will attain one of two pieces of land, one is 10,000 acres, one is 6,000 acres. I had hoped that I would have definite information when I responded to the article on your stand on the environment, however, I only get to sit at my computer about every six weeks, and this is my time.

By trade, I am a fashion designer. For several months, I have been importing from China 100% Cannabis Hemp Fabric. Due to the fact that the government is so unsure about what is and what is not a dangerous drug, my state offers Drug Dealer Marijuana tax Stamps, which I have been purchasing to protect my belongs. These tax stamps are used in eighteen states. The tax is outrageous, $100. An ounce. Have you any idea what a yard of processed Hemp weight? About three pounds. My state does not offer a difference between Hemp that you smoke, and Hemp that you make clothing from . Not that I think for one minute what I am doing is against the law, for the fabric comes through Federal Customs. I just don’t want to be another victim while some government agency debates the issue.

I do not agree with the new intended war in Iraq. I do not agree with the Crime Bill as it is written, it is very dangerous. I have asked several times for the Democrat’s to offer some hope to the millions of people that believe it is their God given right to consume the scientifically, botanically classified herb Hemp. I do believe that the environment must be first, above all, and these are the reasons I am voting for you.

Debby Moore, Founder
Kansas Environmentalists for Commerce In Hemp
2742 E. 2nd
Wichita, KS, 67214
(316) 681-1743

**Side bar, I remember I sent Gore a copy of the flyer, and a fancy emboardry badge to gain entrance. Our well laid out plans were called to a halt when the owner of the bank that held the note on the farmers property we were going to use ‘Metropolitan Life’ told the property owner if he allowed us to use his land they would demand payment on the notes they held on his land. We even had helicopters, and helicopter pads to transport the people into the rural area. I believe the proposed date of the concert was the end of October 22 - 23, 1992. Needless to say, the weekend that the concert was to take place, Gore had a campaign stop in Wichita Kansas**