I am writing to bring your attention to the global effects of Greenhouse, and what we as inhabitants of planet earth must do to immediately begin the reduction of CO2, from our atmosphere.

In 1942, Henry Ford first proved that Bio-Mass for fuel was the answer to environmentally safe fuel. On his estate, he illegally grew Hemp to produce his “car from the ground” (Popular Mechanics, 1942). Externally the automobile was made from the cellulose fibers of the Hemp plant, and fueled by Methanol Bio-Mass produced from Hemp. Henry Ford was a man of vision. But the petrochemical companies with their own selfish interest managed to suppress this proof. Consequently, fifty years later, the very ecology of the world is in danger.

Bio-Mass v.s. Petrochemicals

Petroleum is the results of eons of Bio-Mass, through these eons of decay, sulfur leached into the oil. When petroleum is burned, it emits sulfur, the cause of acid rain, and CO2 into the atmosphere, thus causing greenhouse. Add to this the fact that only 5% of the old world forest remain, you can see why we are smothering.

When you Bio-Mass, for fuel, it requires CO2 in which to grow. When you burn Bio-Mass, true, it also emits CO2, but necessary for next years growth crop. Thus you have created an ecological cycle with balance between the two. There is no sulfur in Bio-Mass.

For the past couple of decades Bio-Mass for fuel has been investigated, but the conclusion has been that it is not economically feasible, for the only crop on the planet capable of making this and every country fuel independent is being held captive behind a smoke screen of prohibition.

In 1935, the legislature of Kansas appealed to the U.S. Government to reconsider its new prohibition on hemp, despite it’s “narcotic” tip. In 1935, Hemp was the number one agricultural product of Kansas, so great was its value to Kansas at the time, the dome of the capitol building in Topeka, is adorned with Hemp leaves. In their appeal the legislators state that prohibition will economically devastate Kansas.

Hemp for Bio-Mass will produce ten tons per acre, or the equivalent of 1,000 gallons of Methanol. The compared agreed price to the farmer for Hemp bio-mass is approximately $300.00 per acre. With 6% of the land in the United States planted with Hemp, about 10,000,000 acres, this country could be fuel independent in two years.

This works by installing in every county a pyrolethic converter. (About every fifty miles across the country.) Bio-Mass produces two types of fuels, Methanol, and briquettes, (charcoal). Methanol can be burned in motor vehicles, and distributed much like natural gas. Briquettes can be used by industry with furnace facilities.

Just imagine, the United States could lead the rest of the world in Bio-Mass conversion, using our technology to develop the most effective procedures. The U.S. could be fuel independent in two years. More important, we could lead the countries of the Soviet Union, those dependent on the sixteen dangerous, outdated nuclear reactors, responsible for serious radiation contamination upon the planet, to safe energy farming alternative.

Presently I am working with a gentleman who has thousands of stores, and hundreds of trucks upon the highways across this country. As a man of vision, and financial holdings, I am hoping that with his endorsement we can begin to make this economic and environmental benefit a reality.

“Hemp to Save The Planet” is the name of my Hemp Education E5 class, through the Wichita Free University, 3:00 PM every Saturday, beginning April 11, 1992 for six consecutive weeks. Next series to begin July 11, held at our offices in the conference room. Through these classes, I share all the information regarding the Hemp plant for the products of protein, paper, fiber, and fuel.

Until the early 1900’s most paper, and fabric was produced from Hemp. Hemp sailed the great ships of our ancestors, covered all the wagons headed west, made the first Levi jeans durable, supplied the fabric for the first American flag, and provided the paper on which the United States Constitution was written.

For thousands of years, Hemp was the number one agricultural crop of the planet. So important in the colonies of America, that to own land, it was law, you must grow Hemp, thus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, were all Hemp farmers.

When the United States began, the dignity awarded to the Hemp plant was so respected, that for 200 years you could pay your taxes with Hemp.

I am sure when the Constitution of the United States was signed, and the Bill of Rights made law of the land, in no way was it ever intended to prohibit cultivation of Hemp in America. Much less world wide eradication.

Before the people of the world can understand the possibilities that lies in the exploitation of the Hemp plant for the economic and environmental benefit of the planet, we must come out of the smoke screen of the ‘smoking, hippie, hype’. If the whole world were planted in Hemp for Bio-mass (fuel), paper, fiber, and protein, the greatest percentage of Hemp that would be of smoking quality would be .001%. Certainly not worth continuing to fill our atmosphere with CO2, and stand by as we watch our planet die.

What will b left of this hundred years? A few boxes of microfilm, for in the archives, where our culture is recorded, the volumes of books are falling apart, on the shelves where they are stored. Until Dupont chemical invented the chemicals to produce wood pulp form timber in the early 1930’s, most paper world wide was produced from Hemp pulp. In fact, Ben Franklin invented the first Hemp pulp paper mill, so the Americas would not be dependent on England for paper. Hemp pulp paper is in existence dating back 2,000 years. Wood pulp paper has not proved the test of time. Besides the production of wood pulp paper is one of the greatest contributors to the pollution in our rivers and streams. Hemp pulp paper can be bleached white with Hydrogen Peroxide. Wood pulp paper can only be recycled 4-5 times, Hemp pulp paper can be recycled 12-14 times. Hemp pulp paper can also be made of Hemp textiles, as it was until about 1930. (Rag is a old term used in the newspaper industry for the recycled fibber on which it was printed.

Imagine living in an environment where you can watch the atmosphere heal itself. Where trees are able to remain standing to produce oxygen, and we rely on an annual renewable natural resource, that can only benefit mankind and nature.

Economically, besides the possibility to make all countries fuel independent, I get excited about all the new industries that would enjoy new profits as the Hemp industry is developed. Jobs for Engineers, Jobs for Chemist, Jobs for Tolls & Dye Makers, Jobs for Machinery Manufactures, Jobs for Auto Mechanics, Jobs for Auto Part suppliers, Jobs in a new Paper Industry, Jobs in a new fiber board industry, Jobs for people in a new home grown textile industry, Jobs for farmers, Jobs for truckers, Jobs for Rail Road workers, , Jobs for Machinists, Profitable Farming, and much much more. Recyclable, Biodegradable fiber for a Greener Economy.

I hope that you will be able to attend our classes, or send a member of your staff in order to investigate what the true issues of Hemp are all about.

At our headquarters, we also have a Hemp store, where we distribute literature, and sell items made of Hemp: jewelry, clothes, purses, hats, Activists T-shirts, and stickers: fresh Herb’s, (peppermint, sage, oregano, thyme, ect.)

Very truly yours,

Debby Moore - US Voter
Kansas Environmentalists for Commerce in Hemp
State Education Center
(316) 681-1743
2742 E. 2nd, Wichita, KS, 67214-4605