Marijuana Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission: 1893 - 94: by John Kaplan: Professor of Law, Stanford University: Silver Spring, Maryland: - This book was one of the first in the files of Harry J. Anslinger Archives, Penn State University.

page 369: On the one hand, the patriots and philanthropists in their excessive zeal for the welfare of the people are generally apt to magnify the existing evils which corrode society, however small they may appear to the naked eye; while, on the other hand, another class, with a view to serve the interests of the State, generally make the evils appear very much smaller, like things seen through the wrong end of the binocular glass, forgetting that the interest of the Government could be best served by serving the interest of the people.

page 371: "With increase of duty smuggling becomes more rife (vied my Report, page 153). The first improvement that I would suggest will be the reduction of the duty levied on ganja, which has been raised rather too high."

page 372: The principle of restricting and controlling the spread of intoxicating articles by imposing high rates of dug has been applied to all, but notwithstanding this the use of every kind of intoxicant is on the increase. Attempt has been made from time to time to explain away this increase of intemperance as well as the revenue derived from the use of intoxicating articles in India by officials of the highest position and experience by bringing forth the argument that it is the result of the improvement in the condition of the people. Sir J. Strachey in page 30 of his admirable work, "Finances and Public Works of India," says: "This increase of 50%, in the last twelve years is not to be attributed to the increase of intemperance, but to improvement in the condition of the people, and still more, to better administration." Sir Richard Temple in his "India in 1880" says: "The sight of this may give to some observers the impression that under British rule drinking prevails more than under Native rule. Wider observation will, however, prove that the Indians, if judged by the standard of advanced nations, are sober and temperate in the main, and that, despite any defects which may still lurk in the excise system, the British taxes do operate as some check upon insobriety." Probably nowhere this line of reasoning was more clearly and effectively put before the public than in a Parliamentary Report on "Intemperance" prepared by a Select Committee of the House of Lords. It is states in that paper: "This increase of expenditure cannot by itself be taken as a proof that drunkenness has increased in the same ratio. It is probable that a large portion represents the moderate consumption by the temperate. With increasing incomes the spending power of all classes has grown, and a higher scale of comfort has been gradually introduced. Just as the consumption of meat has increased, so has that of intoxicating liquors; but in neither of these cases does the increased general consumption necessarily imply a proportionate excess on the part of individuals. Further, it has been shown that the use of tea, sugar, wine, and tobacco has increased far more rapidly than the use of spirits or beer.

page 374: We have seen in almost all parts of India people connected with temples and myths, who are quite healthy, strong, and stout, who excessively indulge in bhang. Instances were not rare in which habitual ganja smokers were seen to be quite healthy and strong. it is among the very poor and the mendicant classes that shocking instances of human wrecks caused by over-indulgence in hemp drugs can be found. The general opinion that I have been able to form is that ganja and charas are no doubt injurious in their action on the constitution of certain people, especially those who are week and underfed, even when they are taken in comparatively moderate doses, and only for a short time. When they are consumed in excess and continuously for a long time, their effects are undoubtedly most ruinous. It should be remembered that it is the men of the poorest class generally, who cannot afford to pay for the luxury of spirituous drinks, who take to the use of ganja. It is also a fact that men who are naturally weak, and who suffer from some sort of bodily or mental indisposition or discomfort, to obtain temporary relief generally indulge in ganja, at first in medicinal doses, and then gradually turn to be excessive consumers of the drug.

page 480 has all the great recipes: Bhang - Bhangi-Bubjee - Majum - Ordinary Alva -