Presidential Papers from Richard Nixon

March 10, 1970: Public Papers of the Presidents: page 156: 76 Statement Announcing an Expanded Federal Program To Combat Drug Abuse. persons who expanded this program. Charles B. Wilkinson, Special Consultant to the President John E. Ingersoll, Director, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Department of Justice Dr. James E. Allen, Jr., Commissioner of Education Dr. Stanley F. Yolles, Director, National Institute of Mental Health, both of the Department of Health, Education & Welfare.

Page 334: February 25, 1971: President Richard Nixons: Public Papers of the President: Population Control: Therefore, while respecting fully the rights, the consciences, and the responsibilities of other nations, we have taken steps on three fronts to help curtail the growth of world population. First, in line with my statement on population in July of 1969, the US has embarked on a major effort to support provate decisions that will slow the growth of our own population. Second, the US has given active support to the work of the UN agencies in this field. We have again pledged to match contribution from other countries to the UN Fund for Population Activities, this time up to total of $12.5 million for 1971. Third, when it is requested of us, we extend technical and financial assistance to the family planning programs of developing nations. Page 334 & 336: International Cooperation Against Crime: The need for international cooperation to solve certain types of criminal problems has become increasingly clear in recent years. The explosion in international travel and intercourse has had the unintended effect of greatly reducing the ability of national societies alone to control such old criminal activity as the illegal narcotics traffic, and such new criminal forms as hijacking and terrorist attacks on diplomats. The Narcotics Problem: Regulating drugs on the international level - lists all the new commissions in US & UN

Public Papers of President Nixon 1971: May 1: page 661: Steel Negotiations: Where the US Steel Mill was sold out to foreign industry. [players: Mr. Herbert Kaplow, NBC News] Marijuana Laws: (Question to the president) As you know, your own White House Conference on Youth voted to legalize marijuana. I know you have thought about this problem, and I wonder if you would give us some of your thoughts on it. ...(Answer)In this instance, however, I have strong views that I will express them. I am against legalizing marijuana. Even if the Commission does recommend that it be legalized, I will not follow that recommendation. Lockheed Management: [Cheated government out of millions, was facing bankruptcy] The President:...But we are not going to damn the whole company for some areas of mismanagementment, for some mistakes. We need a strong airframe producer like Lockheed in southern California, and if we can save the company and, frankly, help it toward better management, we will do so. Players: Mr. Packard, at the Pentagon February 9, 1972: Public Papers of the Presidents: Richard Nixon: page 336- 338: Control of Drug Abuse: Narcotics addiction continues to spread at an alarming rate, in the US and elsewhere...In August, I established a Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control under the chairmanship of the Secretary of State. This committee is charged with the formulation and coordination of all policies of the Federal Government relating to the goal of curtailing the flow of narcotics and other dangerous drugs into the US. [report continues to attack every country on planet earth. Mentions: Turkey, Southeast Asia, France, Mexico, Germany, Canada, Population Growth: ...numbers far beyond the capacities of most countries to educate, employ, house decently, or even feed adequately....United Nations Fund for Population Activities, ...In only its second year of existence, the fund was able to provide $31.6 million to the population control activities of UN agencies and 58 countries. At the same time, our Agency for International Development contributed funds, training, and technical support to the population control programs of 33 countries.

from The Consumers Union Report on Licit & Illicit Drugs, pp. 294-298, by Edward M. Brecher - and the editors of Consumer Reports (Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1972), ISBN 0-316-10717-4, - The Swedish Experience

May 3, 1973: Public Papers of President Richard Nixon, 1973, page 511: Control of Drug Abuse: Administration remains committed to an unrelenting global struggle against illicit drug traffic. The Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control, which spearheads US drug control efforts overseas, requested our ambassadors in each of 59 countries to prepare narcotics control action plans. ....Last September, at a special Washington conference of senior US narcotics control officers from around the world, I emphasized my readiness under the provisions of the Foreign Assistance Act both to assist cooperating countries and to suspend economic and military assistance to any country which fails to take adequate steps against illicit drug traffic. By mid-year, our embassies had initiated discussions with all target countries, and since then have concentrated on the implementation of cooperative action programs. First mention of INTERPOOL Population: Twenty years ago the world's population was less than 2,600,000,000. Today it is more than 3,800,000,000. In just these two decades, the human family has increased by nearly half the total population attained in all the millennia before.

Public Papers of the Presidents: Richard Nixon: Jan 30, 1974: Page 79-80: Control of Drug Abuse: **Notice all of these article begin: As part of our drive to end the deadly menace of narcotics abuse, this Administration remains committed to an unrelenting global struggle against illicit drug traffic. ....The Right to Privacy: ....gather and disseminate information about individuals, the safeguards needed to protect the privacy of individuals and communications have not kept pace. Another part of the problem is that clear definitions and standards concerning the right of privacy have not been developed and agreed upon. I have therefore ordered an extensive Cabinet-level review - which will be undertaken this year - or both government and industry practices as they relate to the right of privacy, of the conflicts that arise and the balances that must be struck between legitimate needs for information and the right of privacy, and of those measures - including appropriate legislation - that can be taken to ensure that these balances are properly struck. Ending Drug Abuse: [lists all the things that have been done, talks about better drug law enforcement; rehabilitation. The drug mentioned is Heroine

Public Papers of the Presidents: Richard Nixon February 21, 1974: Special Message to the Congress Proposing Legislation to Control Drug Trafficking: February 21, 1974: Page 192 - 194: To the Congress of the US:...Rehabilitation: Enforcement: "more than a quarter of those who are convicted of narcotics trafficking do not serve a single day behind bars.....I will submit legislative proposals which would increase the penalties for those who traffic in narcotics, provide mandatory minimum sentencing of narcotic traffickers for first time offenses, and enable judges to deny bail, under certain conditions, pending trial." New Legislation Aimed At Drug Traffickers: Conclusion: ...We have already turned the corner on heroine. But the task ahead will be long and difficult, and the closer we come to success, the more difficult the task will be. We can never afford to relax our vigilance and we must be willing to adjust our methods as experience tells us they should be adjusted.