CIA off Campus, Company Crimes by Ami Chen Mills, April 1990, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data only by recruiting on campuses, can CIA find the 1,000 or so new people it needs every year to replace those who retire or leave the Agency for other reasons.CIA security and intelligence services. El Salvador, CIA has murdered some 70,000 people during the past eight years. CIA's similar operations with Iranian Savak during the time of the Shah, with the Greek KYP, with the South Korean CIA, Chile & the Pinochet dictatorship, Philippine service under the Marcos dictatorship, National Guard in Nicaragua under the Somoza dynasty, Cuba during the Batista dictatorship, Guatemalan security services during the 35 years of military dictatorship since the CIA destroyed democracy in that country.

page 8 CIA director William Casey could not even pronounce Nicaragua and could have cared less about a decade of contra terror war which has kill 50,000 Nicaraguans, & total economic devastation.

page 8: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention Against Torture: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948, the first international Bill of Rights in human history: The Convention Against Torture was adopted by the UN General Assembly December 10, 1984:

CIA in violation of both by:

page 9 Through US advisors, the Brazilian & Uruguayan police attained access to wires that were inserted into a prisoner's rectum or ears, wrapped around or inserted into his or her genitals, attached to the nipples or stuck between the teeth and then hooked to US AID electrical generators or field telephones and cranked with voltage. It was US agents who informed the police of the permissible levels the human body could withstand. The CIA supplied the Brazilian police with crowd-control equipment as well. El Salvador Death Squads

page 10 The Genocide Convention: adopted into US treaty law by Congress in 1986

page 12 Nuremberg, the Supremacy Clause and Individual Responsibility: The Nuremberg Principles imply that the citizens of all nations have a responsibility to act to prevent their government from committing crimes against humanity.

page 14 What Goes Around, Comes Around: The CIA in the Persian Gulf: [run by General Normal Schwarzkoph Jr.] 1954, CIA Kim Roosevelt, Schwarzkopf Sr. & Iranian General Fazzolah Zahedi, organized a coup under US direction to overthrow the prime minister. Mossadegh was removed and replaced with the Shah & his secret police force SAVAK, General Zahedi took a position beside the Shah and duly allotted 40 percent of Iranian oil ownership to US companies: Standard, Gulf & Texaco Kurdish uprising in northeastern mountains neighboring Iraq, agency spent $16 million fomenting the rebellion, which led in 1975 to Iraq's "capitulation to Iran's control of the Shatt al Arab", an area crucial to Iraq's access to the access to the Gulf. Ayatollah Khomeini overpowered Shah, exploited hatred of Iranian people for the US, the US got busy encouraging Iraq to attack Iran for repossession of "Shatt al Arab." In 1980 Iraq did just that, and began a war that lasted 8 years, over a million casualties, Regan administration sold arms to both sides. Kuwait also help finance the Iran-Iraq war by backing the Iraqi side in a effort to protect itself from Iranian aggressions. In August 1988 Iraq emerged as one of the most powerful nations in the region. During the war, Kuwait had nudged its borders into disputed territories, and Hussein accused the Kusaitias of "slant" drilling oil from Iraqi fields. November 14, 1989 Top secret documents released by Iraq after the invasion of Kuwait indicate high-level meetings between Kuwaiti officials, Al-Fahd, CIA, including William Webster himself. CIA gave view of pressuring Iraq to cooperate over delineation of our common border.

page 16 Kuwaiti & US to August 2, 1990 do suggest "broad cooperation" economic pressure on Iraq. Kuwaitis even dump oil for less than OPEC price to cripple Iraq's post war economic recovery. In July 1990, King Hussein of Jordan, Kuwaiti's emir's brother, Sheikh Sabeh, said "American and foreign forces would land in Kuwait and expel them." July 31, Assistant Secretary of State John Kelly two days before the invasion told both Iraq & Kuwait that US did not get involved in border disputes. US policy in the region, to protect multinational, corporate interests and to control the political arena regardless of the human cost.

page 17 now the US is allied with Syria's President Hafez al Assad, who's country is internationally recognized as a haven for terrorist organizations. Western corporations have already been selling Syria all the Harvard necessary to create the Syrian nuclear, biological and chemical warfare capacity. page 138 13 universities including Princeton University have booted CIA off their campus page 145- 161 Bibliography on CIA and Covert Action: Introductory Reading on the CIA and US Foreign Policy