Department of Energy Washington, D.C., 20585

March 9, 1995

Ms Debby Moore Founder, President Kansas Environmentalists for Commerce in Hemp CPO Representative District 1.3 Kansas State Lobbyists 2742 E. 2nd Wichita, KS, 67214

Dear Ms Moore:

Thank you for your letter dated February 5, 1995, to Secretary O’Leary, regarding Executive Order 12919, June 3, 1994, Part IX - General Provisions Sec. 901 (3) “Food Resources” - Hemp. A copy is enclosed. One of the Department of Energy’s primary missions is to secure a stable energy future for our nation. Renewable forms of energy are a very important component of our energy supply and they will play an even more important role in the future. One important component of renewable energy supplies is biomass to energy,. Our Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office is very active in developing and promoting the conversion of biomass to fuel for energy use across the nation. Short rotation, high yield crops, such as Cannibus, by their very nature, are an excellent potential biomass source to be converted to fuel. Our biomass to energy programs are pursuing these types of crops as a priority.

Issuing licenses for the cultivation of Cannibus is not under the jurisdiction of the Department. Please contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture at (202) 720-2791 on this issue. Your state and local Kansas governments can also help you in resolving your licensing issue.

Thank you for your interest and efforts in this area. We wish you much success in your endeavors.

Best regards,

Denise F. Swink Deputy Assistant Secretary for Industrial Technologies Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
