M(daughter)l Moore

Honors, 7th hour

Hemp to Save the Planet


1. Stevens, William Chase. Kansas Wild Flowers.Lawrence, Kansas.\{ \}University of Kansas Press Lawrence, 1961.pg. 176

2. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 2

3. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 6

4. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 2

5. Abe, Ernest. Marijuana: The First 12,000 Years Plenum Press. NY. 1980

6. Garaty, John, & Gray, Peter, editors. Columbia Book of World History. Harper & Row Pub., Inc., 1972.

7. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 3

8. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 6

9. Washington, George & Jefferson, Thomas, Diaries of; also Jefferson's Farm Books, Aug. 7, 1765.

10. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 7

11. Paine, Thomas, Common Sense, 1776.

12. Washington, George & Jefferson, Thomas, Diaries of; also Jefferson's Farm Books, Aug. 7, 1765.

13. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 10.

14. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 6.

15. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 6

16. U.S. Census report, May 12-13, 1850.

17. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 2

18. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 2.

19. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 2

20. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 8.

21. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 9.

22. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 9.

23. Bertha S. Dodge.Plants That Changed The World. Canada: Canada by Little Brown and Company (Canada) Ltd., 1959. pg. 112.

24. Bertha S. Dodge. Plants That Changed The World. Canada: Canada by Little Brown and Company (Canada) Ltd., 1959. pg. 114.

25. Bertha S. Dodge.Plants That Changed The World. Canada: Canada by Little Brown and Company (Canada) Ltd., 1959. pg. 116.

26. Bertha S. Dodge. Plants That Changed The World. Canada: Canada by Little Brown and Company (Canada) Ltd., 1959. pg. 123.

27. Bertha S. Dodge. Plants That Changed The World Canada: Canada by Little Brown and Company (Canada) Ltd., 1959. pg. 124.

28. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 6.

29. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 22.

30. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 23.

31. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 8.

32. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 43.

33. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 43.

34. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 44.þ

35. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 44.þ

36. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 44.

37. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 44.þ

38. Herer, Jack. \{The\}\{ Emperor\}\{ Wears\}\{ No\}\{ Clothes\}. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 44.þ

39. Herer, Jack. \{The\}\{ Emperor\}\{ Wears\}\{ No\}\{ Clothes\}. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 44.þ

40. Herer, Jack. \{The\}\{ Emperor\}\{ Wears\}\{ No\}\{ Clothes\}. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 34.þ

41. Herer, Jack. \{The\}\{ Emperor\}\{ Wears\}\{ No\}\{ Clothes\}. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 16.þ

42. William Chase Stevens. Kansas Wild Flowers.Lawrence, Kansas. University of Kansas Press Lawrence, 1961.pg. 87

43. William Chase Stevens. Kansas Wild Flowers.Lawrence, Kansas. University of Kansas Press Lawrence, 1961.pg. 87

44. William Chase Stevens. Kansas Wild Flowers.Lawrence, Kansas. University of Kansas Press Lawrence, 1961.pg. 87.

45. William Chase Stevens. Kansas Wild Flowers.Lawrence, Kansas. University of Kansas Press Lawrence, 1961.pg.174

46. William Chase Stevens. Kansas Wild Flowers.Lawrence, Kansas. University of Kansas Press Lawrence, 1961.pg. 176

\}47. Lorus J. Milne, & Margery Milne. \{Plant\}\{ Life\}. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Printice-Hall, Inc., pg. 42.þ

48. Lorus J. Milne, & Margery Milne. \{Plant\}\{ Life\}. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Printice-Hall, Inc., pg. 22.þ

49. Herer, Jack. \{The\}\{ Emperor\}\{ Wears\}\{ No\}\{ Clothes\}. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 7.þ

50. Herer, Jack. \{The\}\{ Emperor\}\{ Wears\}\{ No\}\{ Clothes\}. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 7.þ

51. Herer, Jack. \{The\}\{ Emperor\}\{ Wears\}\{ No\}\{ Clothes\}. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 10þ

52. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 10.

53. "Billion Dollar Crop,"Popular Mechanics, February, 1938. pg. 16.

54. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 10.

55. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 7.

56. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 8.

57. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 10

58. Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: HEMP Press, 1991. pg. 16

59. "Hemp and Flax," Mechanical Engineering, February, 1938

60. "Lincoln, Abraham," Collier's Merit Student Encyclopedia, 1979, XIII, 78-56516.