Marijuana: The Harvey Lectures: Roger Adams: From the Noyes Chemical Laboratory, University of Illinois, the Department of Pharmacology of Cornell University Medical College and the Welfare Island Hospital:

Lecture delivered February 19, 1942 page 168 - 197:page 188: By inhalation, however, they are more prompt in their appearance and disappearance; by ingestion they appear within one-half to one and one-half hours, reach their maximum in from three and one-half hours, reach their maximum in from three and one-half to five hours and disappear within seven hours. The observed physical effects, one or more of which occur in each patient, are (a) elevation of the pulse rate, the increase being directly proportionate to the degree of intoxication; (b) elevation of blood pressure; this varies with the individual and usually rises in direct proportion to the pulse; (c) injection of the conjuctival blood vessels which varies with the dose; (d) dilation of the pupils and sluggish reaction to light and in accommodation; vision for proximity, distance and color changes slightly; (e) circum oral tremors; tremulousness of the protruded tongue and the extremities; (f) dryness of the oral and pharyngeal mucous membranes; (g) increased frequency with decreased amplitude of thoracic respiratory movements; (h) ataxia; (i) hypereflexia. The observed psychiatric effects are (a) apprehension and anxiety, (b) euphoria, (c) Loquaciousness, (d) Lowering of inhibitions, (e) hunger and thirst, (f) feeling of being "high" (g) uncontrollable burst of laughter or giggles, (h) drowsiness, languor, lassitude and a pleasant feeling of fatigue. page 189 Clinical tests revealed that marihuana produces no significant changes in basal metabolic rates, blood chemistry, hematological picture, liver function, kidney function or cardiac electrical conduction. Marijuana delays somewhat gastric and intestinal motility as gauged by the Carlson apparatus and x-ray studies; it produces definite increase in the frequency of the alpha wave in electroencephalographic recordings thus indicating increased relaxation. Other observations of a more general character were recorded. Tolerance for marijuana may be produced by repeated administration of subtoxic doses over a prolonged period of time. Thus the same dose elicited progressively fewer and milder symptoms. page 190: The same fogginess appeared and heaviness in head an legs. During the conversation which took place among his five associates at the dinner table Should be noted that this was synthetic tetrahydrocannabinol *** page 190 and 195 the above data was collected from prisoners at Welfare Island: These pages tell of results of subjects from another 'social class', two members of the National Academy of Sciences and two high-ranking and very successful chemists.